Our current plan is looking to involve using our team of talented graphic designers, to create new designs for your merch on a regular basis, potentially quarterly or monthly depending on what you, The Client, wants to see.
We will then take these designs, apply them to a small range of items either on your store or in the main catalogue and create a mini, limited edition campaign / theme.
This will be presented to you, for your approval.
Upon approval we will create the mockups and upload them to your store, make the promotional banner images for social media, design the webshop banners and an email campaign too. We will then email your customers for you under your own branding and email address and monitor the campaign to boost your brands visibility, member engagement and of course - sales!
For a lot of our Clients, we know you love what we offer and want to do more - this is our way of helping you do more, without taking any of your precious time.
It will be like having your own staff member dedicated to your merchandise store...
We are hoping this solution will do wonders to boost your store, provide regular engagement and brand awareness, whilst maintaining a regular flow of sales and let your merchandise do as much promoting as possible!